Directives from Heaven – Seeking

Directives and prophecies provided from Heaven to Veronica Leuken of New York, United States. The text from this Directive is as follows: “My children, because of sin, insanity is now encompassing the minds of men; satan has poisoned many minds. Scientists are ever seeking but never coming to the truth! Scientists are trying to createContinue reading “Directives from Heaven – Seeking”

Directives from Heaven – One Individual

Directives and prophecies provided from Heaven to Veronica Leuken of New York, United States. The text from this Directive is as follows: “And one individual, in darkness of spirit and insanity of sin, shall set mankind into a major War that shall bring about the destruction and annihilation of nations and shall burn and setContinue reading “Directives from Heaven – One Individual”

Directives from Heaven – Only Recourse

Directives and prophecies provided from Heaven to Veronica Leuken of New York, United States. The text from this Directive is as follows: “There is only one recourse for mankind now to avoid a Third World War – that is more prayer, more penance, and more sacrifice for sinners. Those who are keeping the laws ofContinue reading “Directives from Heaven – Only Recourse”

Directives from Heaven – Psychologist Psychiatrist

Directives and prophecies provided from Heaven to Veronica Leuken of New York, United States. The text from this Directive is as follows: “Scientists of your world and your psychologists and psychiatrists raltionalize everything, until sin is accepted as a way of life – scientists who are ever searching but never coming to the truth! TheContinue reading “Directives from Heaven – Psychologist Psychiatrist”

How Long?

“Do you deny your God because the punishment has not come upon you as yet? It is only because He is long-suffering and cares not to see one child lost to Him that the punishment you so deserve has been held in abeyance. But each day you continue without penance and atonement, bringing you closerContinue reading “How Long?”

“Is He Not Your King?”

“O My children, how light you make My heart with the many Rosaries you send up to Us. We look down upon a pagan world, and My heart bleeds for the blindness of those souls being led to the slaughter. They are like sheep playing follow-the-leader. “Why must you insult My Son? Can you notContinue reading ““Is He Not Your King?””

Repent While There is Still Time

“We beg penance and reparation of you all. All loving hearts must bear the burden of this sorrow, to pray for those lost on the road to perdition, forever to be lost to Heaven. Pray, My children; never cease in your prayers. For many are at the brink of eternity, on the road to eternalContinue reading “Repent While There is Still Time”

“Why Won’t You Listen to Me?”

“I weep for the murder of the Holy Innocents. Man has discovered sophisticated sin, governed by body pleasures. Only satan could fashion such diabolical destruction. “I wander the earth in tears. My children have forgotten Us. So many will be lost. Why won’t you listen to Me? I plead with you as your Mother: listenContinue reading ““Why Won’t You Listen to Me?””

Protect Your Children

“Sin has now become a way of life in your country. Mothers, what will happen to your children outside your home? Protect your children; for there is no salvation outside, the anchor of a good home dedicated to Christ the King.”– Our Lady to Veronica Leukin, 21st November 1970

Clean Daughters’ Closets

“Mothers, clean out your daughters’ closets! Better you burn their clothes than to have their souls forever burning in hell! How sad to find the children who can no longer recognize sin. “The condition of your country is not an accident of fate, as some would place the cause. It is the method used forContinue reading “Clean Daughters’ Closets”

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