Directives from Heaven – A Monster

Directives and prophecies provided from Heaven to Veronica Leuken of New York, United States. The text from this Directive is as follows: “Do they not seek to play the part, the role of a god now, as they seek to create life? It is an abomination in the eyes of God for man in hisContinue reading “Directives from Heaven – A Monster”

Directives from Heaven – Empty Shell

Directives and prophecies provided from Heaven to Veronica Leuken of New York, United States. The text from this Directive is as follows: “My children, no man upon earth, with all his knowledge, will be able to create and sustain life. What he is producing now is an empty shell, a soulless ‘it,’ a thing ofContinue reading “Directives from Heaven – Empty Shell”

Directives from Heaven – Only One God

Directives and prophecies provided from Heaven to Veronica Leuken of New York, United States. The text from this Directive is as follows: “There is only one God, the Lord high God in Heaven. No man is God, even though he places himself up as God now, even trying to create life, and even trying toContinue reading “Directives from Heaven – Only One God”

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